demonic possession is a condition in which some people think they're being controlled by demons, spirits or entities of all kinds.
It is a fairly common belief in many religions and sects, from tribal beliefs of the primitive nature of many modern Christian churches.In the Bible The Bible has several cases of "demonic possession"in the New Testament. This was probably an influence on Jewish religion brought by years of exile in Babylon
Psychiatry Historically, demonic possession was the underlying cause of madness [2]. One of the books but a classic paper, relegated to second for his religious choice plan on the theme is "The Madness afresh" the homeopath Menezes (1831 - 1900). In developing the psychiatrist in Brazil this topic was also addressed by the school especially in Bahia, among others), especially by Nina Rodrigues (1862 - 1906) that despite the burden of prejudice and pathologizing of religious events (such as interpreting epileptic or hysterical) could muster and produce considerable ethnographic material on African religions as continuing with figures like Estacio de Lima (1897 - 1984), Arthur Ramos (1903 -1949) among others.The psychoanalytic interpretation inaugurated a form of study so far valid, in view of the relationship between criminal events and religious content. You can take this approach as a landmark work of Sigmund Freud "A neurosis of demoniacal seventeenth century"(1922) [3]
Today it is considered that most cases of demonic possession disorders are sociological, rather than pathologic [4]. Dalgalarrondo study review of studies published since the late nineteenth century on messianism, "religious insanity" and contemporary works relating religion, alcohol and drugs, and some clinical conditions (schizophrenia and suicide), refers to the absence of a line of research that provides a better link between empirical and theoretical analysis of the data, as well as a closer dialogue with the psychiatric social sciences such as anthropology and sociology of religion to further advancement in this area. [5]
It is a fairly common belief in many religions and sects, from tribal beliefs of the primitive nature of many modern Christian churches.In the Bible The Bible has several cases of "demonic possession"in the New Testament. This was probably an influence on Jewish religion brought by years of exile in Babylon
Psychiatry Historically, demonic possession was the underlying cause of madness [2]. One of the books but a classic paper, relegated to second for his religious choice plan on the theme is "The Madness afresh" the homeopath Menezes (1831 - 1900). In developing the psychiatrist in Brazil this topic was also addressed by the school especially in Bahia, among others), especially by Nina Rodrigues (1862 - 1906) that despite the burden of prejudice and pathologizing of religious events (such as interpreting epileptic or hysterical) could muster and produce considerable ethnographic material on African religions as continuing with figures like Estacio de Lima (1897 - 1984), Arthur Ramos (1903 -1949) among others.The psychoanalytic interpretation inaugurated a form of study so far valid, in view of the relationship between criminal events and religious content. You can take this approach as a landmark work of Sigmund Freud "A neurosis of demoniacal seventeenth century"(1922) [3]
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