sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011


In Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Jewish attributed to certain diseases and natural calamities to the action of demons. To remove them, resorted to some or exorcise exorcism. Western culture has given these ideas through the Bible and early Christianity.

In Christianity, exorcism (Greek exorkismós, "act of making oath, " by Latin exorcismu) is aimed at the ceremony to exorcise evil spirits, forcing them to leave the bodies possessed or dominating influence over people, objects, situations or places . When objective the expulsion of demons, called Solemn Exorcism and should be done according to formulas exist, including sprinkling of holy water, laying on of hands, conspiracies, signs of the cross, the recitation of prayers, psalms, songs, etc.. Moreover, the Catholic ritual of exorcism can be performed by priests only when expressly authorized by bishops.


Possession is the state or condition in which the body and (or) the mind of an individual are supposed to be owned or dominated by an entity (a being, force or deity) is foreign to them, or do not usually manifest in the activities of daily life.

The possession, considered as an experience of psychological and social, can be checked individually or collectively, and have an unexpected character, or be subjected to some kind of ritual control; in different societies and cultures, appears as the central episode or experience of religious life. We can divide, generally, the forms of possession in four categories.

The spirit is close to the person, but the influence is small. In this case, and salt water baths or prayer as the Lord's Prayer or the Creed, this spirit away less. Usually these are spirits of people who belong to the disembodied and family owned.
Spirit oppressive

The spirit has the ability to "vampirizing"the energy of the individual. The effects are felt as tiredness or a desire to cry that they can stop from one moment to another. It is stated in this case, to use a bag of red, always with the body to neutralize the presence of this spirit. Also the bath water with salt, is beneficial in this case. The reading of Psalm 23 is the most suitable against the oppressive spirit.

The spirit can be so dominant as in the astral body of the individual who can even change the way you speak and do things they normally would not do the day-to-day. Even extends to not recognize relatives and people close to their neighborhood. It is good to note that here in Brazil in accordance with spiritualism or the african-Brazilian religions like Umbanda and Candomble, there are the phenomena of spirit possession and enlightened scholars, bringing benefits to the medium only.
Demonic possession

In this case, the spirit takes the person's body, causing it to occur phenomena of "poltergeist" (set of phenomena produced spontaneously, which consists of noise and movement of objects and may have ended).
Exorcism in the Bible

The Old Testament, while acknowledging the work of the devil from the temptation and fall of Adam in paradise, barely refers to a direct action of the devil evil upon men.

It was in ancient Judaism that were attributed to the devil very concrete interventions in everyday life. The Book of Tobias (second century BC), Assyrian influence, narrates an exorcism through prayer and use of entrails of a fish.
In the New Testament, which presents no essential changes with regard to exorcism, the Gospel of Mark is insisting that more realistically in exorcisms performed by Jesus and his disciples. In some cases, it is to expel the demon from the body of possessed or lunatics. In others, the cure of diseases attributed to the action of the devil. To the evangelists such vigorous illustrations serve to demonstrate Jesus' victory over Satan and also to show how his people are freed from sin. "The time has come to be judged this world, and now your prince will be expelled"(John - 12:31). These miracles were a sign of the establishment of the kingdom of God. "But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely is the kingdom of God upon you"(Mt - 12:28). Exorcisms in the history of the Church

The healings and exorcisms were common in the early church. With the official recognition of the Church under Emperor Constantine, charismatics exorcisms carried out informally by any Christian, led to the institutionalization of the role of exorcist. The Rituale Romanum met later, several rites of exorcism to various situations. Reformed churches also established such rites.
The rationalism of the eighteenth century could explain many mysteries supposedly superhuman, which also happened, even more intense with the discovery of hypnotism and depth psychology in the nineteenth century. The Catholic Church, but also some Protestant denominations, admits ordinary exorcisms, contained in the rite of baptism as a symbol of liberation from sin and the power of the devil. Exorcism is practiced in ordinary blessing of baptismal water and the consecration of the holy oils. Solemn exorcisms, which are intended to expel the demon from a possessed body, practices are rare and only conferred by episcopal permission, the priests who are very experienced. The Catholic exorcism starts with the Latin phrase "adjure you, nequissime spiritus, per Deum Almighty " (I command you, evil spirit, by God Almighty). The process can be long and exhausting, getting to go on for several days. Possession is associated with evil. The process of liberation is done in a dramatic and violent. The exorcists use prayers, holy water, smokers, scents of roses and rue. The salt that is associated with spiritual purity is also used.

However, Christianity in this century has a divided attitude to exorcism. On the one hand, keeps his distance from his practice, working closely with psychiatrists and doctors, and commissioning studies to clarify this phenomenon. Even so, the Church hides the confirmed cases of possession the practice of ritual expulsion. Still, Pope John Paul II said to have applied the exorcism on a young man in 1982.
A report on exorcism was compiled by the Church of England in 1972 by a committee that included representa-tives Catholics and a consultant psychiatrist. Although aimed to debunk possession, it strengthened this idea when related to possession of places: "... the demonic interference is common in places not recognized ... as well as in connection with seances. "

However, this report considers exorcisms of extremely dubious. In light of the modern church, those who consider themselves possessed, as a priority, seek help from a doctor or psychologist. Going to a Christian priest is considered a last resort.
Father Gabriele Amorth, claims to have conducted approximately 50,000 exorcisms but considers that only 84 possessions were authentic. The priest says that the symptoms include superhuman physical strength, xenoglossie (spontaneous speech in a language not previously learned) and revelation of secrets about people.

Canon Dominic Walker, from Brighton, who coordinates the Group for the Study of Christian Exorcism, remembers only seven genuine cases during his religious life: "Generally, all you need is counseling and prayer. "
The devil and exorcism in religions


Satan, leader of the rebellion of angels against God, is the incarnation of evil that will exist until the end of time and against which Christians must be ever vigilant. There are signs that distinguish those possessed by demons, but the Church recommends to refer to psychiatrists for avoiding confusion with cases of hysteria and schizophrenia.

The devil may be combated in prayers, hymns and readings from the Bible, but there is a specific ceremony. The cases of exorcism are very rare. When they occur, the possessed is "treated"in a prayer group, which recommends fasting, abstinence, and worship God.


The classical rabbinic literature does not provide for the existence of the devil, so religion does not recognize the rituals of exorcism. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, emerged the figure of Dybbuk, evil spirit that could be expelled from the rites of worship. For most Jews, there is only folklore.
Neo-Pentecostal Evangelicals

All evils are caused by the devil. There are some kind of possession that spoil the love life, cause misery, impede the family. In cults, the possessed are conducted to the altar. The pastor shouted with Satan and demands they leave the body in the name of Jesus.

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